TAKE a man with a mission, his daredevil friend, an open-top carriage and a horse called Frank and you have the recipe for an unusual charity fund-raiser.

A few years ago Mike Marshall had an idea to take a horse and carriage and ride it 160 miles from his home town, Ledbury, to Hyde Park in London.

But his plans had to be put on hold when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer two years ago.

After an operation and a course of radiotherapy, Mr Marshall, aged 59, is fit and well again and has decided that now is the time to saddle up his 14-year-old horse and get on the road to London.

He is embarking on this amazing six-day journey with the help of friend, Mike Pullin, 65. The pair hope to raise £10,000 for St Michael's Hospice, in Hereford.

"I wanted to do something to help others," said Mr Marshall, of Worcester Road. "My friend Anne Boswell, who has cancer, was having chemotherapy when I was having radiotherapy. She has been in the hospice, so she is the other reason I wanted to do this."

Along the way they also hope to raise awareness of prostate cancer among men.

"Over the six days I hope to do little talks at various venues about my experience of the disease."

But before heading off on their trip the friends are desperate for more sponsorship.

As well as donations to help them hit their £10,000 target, they also need someone who can help them transport Frank and the carriage back from London.

They will be setting off from Ledbury town centre on Monday, September 2 and hope to arrive in Hyde Park on Sunday, September 8.

To make a donation or an offer of help please contact Mike Marshall on 01531 633763 or Mike Pullin on 01981 240544.

They will also be collecting in Ledbury town centre tomorrow.