TOMORROW'S mass demonstration against the Throckmorton asylum seekers' centre will show the strength of opposition to the plan, a leading campaigner claims.

Wychavon district councillor Malcolm Argyle said the rally in Pershore would hammer home to residents and the Government just how unpopular the proposal was.

Two thousand protesters are expected to turn up, led by a core of 750 campaigners wearing placards numbered one to 750 - the number of beds at the proposed centre.

"People will see just what 750 people look like and the impact they would have on the area," said Coun Argyle, who is also a Bishampton and Throckmorton parish councillor and PACT (Protest at the Asylum Centre at Throckmorton) member.

"The idea of the demonstration is to raise awareness. It will show that the people of this area mean business."

Marchers will assemble at Pershore Civic Centre at 10.30am before setting off down the High Street, Broad Street and Church Walk, ending up in Abbey Park for a 30-minute rally where they will be addressed by various speakers.

The event has been organised by PACT, which maintains the proposed centre will swamp neighbouring communities, putting extra pressure on education, health services and the police.

Tomorrow's rally has been timed to take place just weeks before the Home Office is due to submit an official application to Wychavon District Council for the building of the asylum seekers' centre.

"Beverley Hughes, the Home Office Minister responsible, can bow out now, gracefully," said PACT chairman Liz Tucker

"But, if she persists in this unsustainable scheme, she'll find she'll have a fight on her hands," she added.