BUSINESSES across Worcestershire and Herefordshire are being invited to boost contacts at a new event.

The inaugural Meet the Buyer event takes place next month in Bransford, near Worcester.

It is sponsored by Advantage West Midlands and enables suppliers to meet with buyers from 39 high profile regional and national companies.

The event takes place on Thursday, September 19, from 9am.

Successful Meet the Buyer events have been staged across the West Midlands during the past three years, generating substantial amounts of new business.

The idea is innovative and has been set up to give suppliers the chance to meet, and sell to, buyers from large organisations. Suppliers are guaranteed face-to-face appointments with the 14 buyers of their choice.


"While the response has been positive, summer holidays and getting the kids back to school may mean manufacturers and suppliers have overlooked the opportunity to attend Meet the Buyer," said Dean Brotherton, head of the regional supply office at Advantage West Midlands.

"Some exciting buyers have come on board for this event including local companies Southco Manufacturing and Malvern Tubular Components.

"I urge anyone interested in advancing the prospects of their business by expanding their client base to attend this Meet the Buyer event. Its value cannot be underestimated."

A pre-event briefing will take place at the Bank House Hotel, Bransford, Worcester on September 13, 2002 from 9am to 11am.

During the pre-event briefing, suppliers will have the opportunity to book more appointments with the 39 buyers who will attend on the day.

They will also be given free advice about face-to-face selling.

For more information or a full list of buyers attending the event contact Oliver at Business to Business on 0800 085 4990.