DEAR EDITOR - I have heard thoughts and comments expressed about the residents of Bromsgrove failing to meet targets on recycling.

Am I surprised by that? No - I am not.

The people of Bromsgrove can only improve their performance if Bromsgrove District Council initiates measures to allow residents to do their part.

First can I be quite clear that I am not critical of the "back door" refuse collections as they occur but certainly the current rota system around Bank Holidays presents problems for many residents.

I believe there are two measures that should be introduced as quickly as possible.

The first deals with how we present our refuse for collection.

The council should supply all householders with a "green" bin, into which we would put materials that are recyclable such as glass, papers, cardboard, plastics and tins.

That bin should be collected separately, sorted and dealt with appropriately. Not only would that greatly increase the amounts recycled but also considerably reduce the levels of refuse to be dealt with by the "back door" teams, saving time, money and landfill capacities necessary.

Secondly, a change to the facilities available to residents for refuse other than recyclable such as washing machines, garden rubbish etc. No reflection on the staff at Quantry Lane tip - but oh the system!

Many people simply cannot cope with having to climb the steps to dump rubbish into the skips - steps that are way past their sell by date and in a very bad state of repair.

There needs to be more control by the staff as to what is put into the skips.

General rubbish is to a large part recyclable. Why not pile up timber on one side and allow residents to pick over it free of charge? Very little would end up being sent to landfill.

But above all this outmoded system of having to lift up rubbish into skips must be done away with! We need a simple system where rubbish can be tipped at ground level.

Both these measures will be expensive but without investment, the situation will simply get worse.

R W Brown, Moorfield Drive, Bromsgrove