DEAR EDITOR - During a visit to Barnt Green's Hewell Road area earlier this month, I noticed new speed cushions in the shopping area.

Two cars were experiencing difficulty negotiating these new humps and actually grounded with a shower of sparks. One car was a silver VW Golf and the other a black Ford Escort.

If the owners would like to contact me on (07961) 818567, I will be happy to supply a statement for the respective vehicle insurance companies providing cover for the motorists concerned. Both drivers approached the speed humps at an extremely low speed, I would estimate walking pace.

Apart from reducing Barnt Green village to something resembling George Orwell's England after an atomic war, what else have local councils and this Labour Government been doing in collaboration with various 'nut cults' to tackle Britain's chronic transport problems?

Royal Mail have been trying out a pedal-power vehicle which can carry a quarter ton of letters up a steep hill. Now we know how fewer postal workers will tackle more work!

Also on test for commuters is a penny farthing cycle, a floating tram for Birmingham's Gas Street basin - powered by gas (like my car), roller-blades, scooters, light- weight uni-cycles (which I presume cyclists will find easier to carry on the train or bus), skateboards, Venetian gondolas for courting couples to use and a Sedan chair going through its paces in Lancaster.

Apparently the people of Lancaster have been waiting three hundred years for this service, although its nice to know that the British Government are finally fulfilling their transport promises after all the extra tax we've paid in recent years.

With regard to our own local transport problems in Hewell Road, I understand that the local parish council recommended these measures and I would like to know what their views are on the subject.

Frankly I do agree with Labour that we would be better off seeing parish councils abolished and replaced with a more professional type of local government.

Hopefully the Residents Action Group for Barnt Green will organise the necessary protest for the street corner leading to Barnt Green railway station!

John A Crean,

Ashmead Rise,

Cofton Hackett.