A DISGUSTED mum has hit out at "mindless" vandals after finding dog mess smeared on play equipment at a town park.

Emma Tyler and her two children Laurie and Mia regularly go to the playground in the Lido Park, off Worcester Road. But last Sunday's trip had to be cut short after they discovered someone had smeared dog mess over the swing, slide and wooden animals.

Dr Tyler said she was disgusted with whoever had done it.

"My husband and I first saw it on the swing and couldn't believe our eyes," she said.

"We regularly have to clear up cans and bottles before our children play but this, we just couldn't believe.

"Then my three-year-old son Laurie went to get on the slide and saw some more, luckily before he'd gone down it.

"I can't believe anyone would be that heartless. To do something like that to youngsters' play equipment. It's just mindless vandalism.

"My children were really upset because we had to cut our trip short as they couldn't really go on anything. When we went back on Monday morning though luckily it had been cleared up."

The district council's client services manager, Sharon Casswell, said: "This is quite serious because of the health risk it poses to people wanting to use the park. Every morning our contractors check and clean the play areas in Droitwich Spa."