WESTLANDS families look set to benefit from a massive cash injection after plans to build a new centre at the heart of their community took a step closer to being given the final go-ahead.

More than half a million pounds will be invested in the town estate enabling a new WANDS centre to be built. The facility will give Westlands residents young and old access to advice on parenting, jobs, health and education.

The outline plans have been given the go-ahead this month and it is now hoped that the detailed plans will be given the thumbs up in the near future to allow the building, which will be based at Westlands First School, in Farmers Way, to be constructed in time for the new year.

Around £350,000 has been awarded under central government's Sure Start initiative. It is estimated that £400,000 will be spent on the new building.

A further £220,000 from Sure Start will be spent over the next two years to pay for specialists such as health care visitors.

Now that the outline plans have been given the green light, the detailed plans will have to go before members of the county council's planning committee.

Leader of the Labour party at the district council, Councillor Roy Seabourne (Lab - Droit West) said: "We welcome enormously this tremendous improvement in facilities for youngsters on the Westlands and feel it will be a great success.

"This is one of the largest investments on this estate and the need is obviously there, so it will no doubt benefit many people."

As part of a joint project with Neighbourhood Nursery, which aims to provide affordable childcare, there will also be a 50-place nursery based at the centre.

Cath Ellicott, the county council's business and finance officer for early years and childcare service, said: "The project is now a step closer to going ahead and I'm sure it will be successful.

"It is such a needed service on the Westlands and will benefit so many people on the estate," she added.