DO the people, who have not already protested, realise the impact the Bilford Road Waste Site will have on their lives when it is enlarged and two compactors are installed?

The site will be operating 10 hours every day, seven days every week, all the year - but they will be allowing you a little respite on Christmas Day.

For those living near this site, have they given a thought to how it will affect the value of their homes?

Who will want to buy a property near a noisy, smelly, traffic-congested tip where all kinds of waste is being deposited?

Some, maybe. But at a greatly reduced price.

I have received information from a very reliable source that the plans put forward by Severn Waste are unworkable in this area. There will be increased noise and traffic pollution and vehicles will have to queue to enter and exit the site on an already congested Bilford Road.

They have not given a thought to the dangers this large site will create or to the emergency vehicles that use this road frequently en route to the new hospital.

What chance will they have when they meet four lanes of traffic? So, you doubters, wake up and make your voice heard and get this waste site removed to where it should be - on an industrial estate.

If you do not do something now, you will suffer the consequences later on. Incinerators spring to mind. Believe me, this site will create a lot more Offerton Lanes.


Waste Site Action Group,

Wordsworth Avenue,

Beechwood Park,
