THE glitz and razzmatazz of the town's annual Street Theatre lost a little of its gloss when angry parents branded one of the acts as totally inappropriate for small children.

Mum-of-two Kim Simpson, of Lea Park, was upset by the performance of fire-eating duo, Skate Naked, on the Recreation Ground off Recreation Road last Wednesday afternoon. (August 21). She described it as 'too tacky.'

The Andressy Mews resident said: "As I walked across Asda carpark on Recreation Road I was stunned to hear a male voice announce that there was going to be some sort of fire-eating display,

"It was not the display that infuriated me, but the fact that this man was instructing the children gathered around the stage area that if they wanted to try this at home the liquid in the glass was paraffin."

"I was then intrigued to see who was saying such ridiculous things, only to find two grown men wearing silver thong posing pouches, who had also told children to close their eyes while they did something with a Cadbury's Flake."

Another angry parent, Lisa Morcellini, of Fairfield Road, voiced her concerns to Bromsgrove District Council, who organised the programme of events, which described Skate Naked in a publicity leaflet as "a highly acclaimed show" which had won first prize at five international street festivals.

She said: "The pair commented they had special entertainment rates for children's funerals.

"In the light of the Soham murder, I hardly think this was an appropriate comment."

The council's tourism and marketing manager, Frances Johnson, said: "We book the acts through an agency which assured us they were suitable for young children.

"Unfortunately on this occasion it was clearly not the case and we will not be booking them again.

"We are upset this has put a dampener on proceedings, as this year's events have proved highly successful but we want the public to rest assured that the Street Theatre will be back to normal and offer the best in family entertainment today." (Wednesday)

The act was booked through Devon-based company, Fool's Paradise.

Agency director, Nicky Street, said: "We understand the parents concerns but the duo have performed in many street festivals all over the country and generally children love the act.

"The act is supposed to be very tongue-in-cheek but I'm sure the last thing the performers wanted to do was to insult their audience."

