PATIENT people with a non-judgemental attitude and an appetite for research are needed to support an established town charity.

Bromsgrove Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), in Birmingham Road, is hoping to attract more hands on deck during National Volunteers' Week, which runs between Tuesdays September 3 and 10.

The organisation has teamed up with Bromsgrove Library and ASDA, in Market Street, to promote its service during the week and bosses are hoping lots of kind residents will step forward to help other townsfolk in need.

CAB offers a free, confidential and completely independent service.

Advice is given on a wide range of issues including benefits, housing, employment, consumer and relationships.

The recruitment drive will kick off at ASDA where an information stall will be positioned on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 3 and 4.

And the initiative will continue with an exhibition at the town's Stratford Road library.

Bromsgrove CAB manager, Sonia Hambridge, told the Advertiser/Messenger: "You don't have to have any special qualifications, just a willingness to learn, a non-judgemental attitude and an appetite for research.

"All trainees undergo a comprehensive training course and they will have access to help and support from experienced staff."

Volunteers must have one and a half hours to spare each week and offer a long-term commitment to the bureau.

People with families or work commitments can talk to the charity workers about fitting the hours in around responsibilities.

For details call 01527 832855, or you can log on to for further details about the CAB.