RUBERY folk can soon voice their views on plans to create a new train line serving villagers and Frankley residents.

Proposals for a £16 million scheme to create a branch of the Cross City rail line serving Frankley and Rubery are being put to residents this autumn.

The three kilometre, single-track line could run from Longbridge Station, through MG Rover's rail freight area and the Great Park development to a terminus station at Frankley, with a station at Rubery Lane.

Services would be every thirty minutes.

A decision on funding the project, by the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Strategic Rail Authority (SRA), is expected in December.

Meanwhile households near the line will be consulted this year and in more detail in early 2003.

Studies on three options for the line will be sent to community groups in September and it's planned to have consultants and Centro officers available to explain the proposals in more detail at exhibitions.

The West Midlands Passenger Transport Authority is heavily involved in the project (WMPTA).

WMPTA's project development and Monitoring committee vice-chairman, Paul Allen, said: "Though these plans are at an early stage, the Frankley branch line would, if successful, be a major improvement and addition to the local rail network and increase the quality of public transport in this area of Birmingham.

"However it's important all those affected by the scheme have the fullest possible say at the earliest opportunity and everyone will be given the chance to engage in discussion."