CHANGES to funding for a village project are bad news for Catshill residents.

That's the message from Labour councillor Bill Newnes (Catshill) who is disappointed by what he claims is Bromsgrove District Council's decision to reduce funding for the scheme from £300,000 to £100,000 in this year's capital budget

Villagers came up with ways to spend the cash at community meetings after £300,000 was allocated by the council last November to improve leisure facilities in Catshill.

But he now fears villagers have wasted their time.

According to Cllr Newnes the council has done a U-turn and said the money was only allocated to improve the community centre facilities and not Catshill as a whole.

Residents wanted the present village hall in Golden Cross Lane to be rebuilt on a larger scale similar to the Ryland Centre in New Road, Bromsgrove. It was hoped this would cater for activity programmes, tea dances and community meetings.

They also had plans to build a skateboard park and buy disco and computer equipment for the hall adjoining Catshill Middle School. But the latest development means these further plans will have to be shelved until funding is sought.

Cllr Newnes said: "It is an insult to everyone involved in the project. I'm disgusted by this council which as far as I can see has made a complete U-turn and taken back what they originally said.

"They have simply moved the goalposts to wriggle out of giving Catshill £300,000 by saying the money was only allocated to improve the community centre.

"We are now going to have to go cap in hand to get sponsorship for the extra facilities."

He added villagers, who are "out on a limb" had pushed for years to improve facilities and would be extremely disappointed by the move.

But the claims have been dismissed by the local authority.

Deputy council leader, Margaret Taylor (Con-Barnt Green) said: "Councillor Newnes has completely misunderstood the information given to us by the district treasurer before the executive cabinet meeting.

"If he had looked into it properly he would have seen that the capital forward programme still states in the cabinet resources committee that the £300,000 is still there.

"We are still awaiting the report from head of leisure, Robbie Hazelhurst which will give details from the consultants who were involved in the project.

"This should be available to us in September."