A 16-YEAR-old Droitwich Spa footballer's dream has come true after getting the chance to follow in the footsteps of David Beckham and play at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium.

Adam Kite, of Vernon Grove, was part of the Hereford United youth academy team, that beat Blackpool to win an 11-a-side tournament at the famous venue last Thursday.

Adam, formerly with Birmingham City, finished top scorer with six goals in the eight team event.

He said: "It was a dream come true to run out on to the pitch at Cardiff.

"I couldn't believe I was standing where the likes of David Beckham and Ryan Giggs had stood a few weeks earlier.

"When we lined up for the national anthem a chill went down my spine but to score and finish as the top goal scorer was something I will never forget."

The tournament was sponsored by Walkers Crisps and the players were presented with their trophy, souvenir watches, medals and individually named shirts.