Kidderminster's Marc Stones and Grant Burgess swept into the semi-finals of the Yoplait men's All-England's bowls pairs championships at Worthing last night.

England international Bur-gess has set his sights on his third national title, having taken the triples in 1987 and the singles crown in 1998.

He has teamed up with 22-year old England junior trialist Stones and they made a rampaging start to their last 16 clash with Brian Burleigh and Keith Hinder from Lister, Gloucestershire, motoring ahead 14-3.

Back came the opposition but Stones and Burgess went 16-9 up before the Gloucestershire duo rallied with eight shots over four successive ends to edge ahead 17-16. But Stones and Burgess kept a cool head and powered up the finishing straight with a single, treble and a double to charge to victory 22-17.

The Gilt Edge pair again made a devastating start in their quarter final clash with Stratford-upon-Avon's Karl Finch and Mike Caldwell, rocketing into a 9-1 lead after just three ends.

Stones and Burgess led 14-4 and 18-8 before the Stratford pair narrowed the gap to 18-16, but Stones and Burgess held off their rivals on the run-in to win 20-16.