NEW organisers of the Upton-upon-Severn Water Festival will inherit a healthy financial position when the chairman and treasurer step down next month.

More than 12,000 people crowded into the town to watch the free fireworks and laser display last Saturday, and a bucket collection raised a record £4,400.

There were 107 cars at Monday's boot sale, which made a profit of £1,056.

More people than ever before sailed on the Conway Castle cruise, which raised £700, said chairman Sue Walker.

"I'm very pleased it went so well.

"It was my last year and I'll be passing over to the new chairman a good start, cash-wise," she said.


John Eastwood, who is giving up as treasurer of Upton Tourism and Trade Association after 12 years, said it would take a while to work out the final figures, but it had been an excellent weekend enjoyed by all.

The three-day festival costs about £12,000, including the hire of bands and entertainers, plus £8,500 for the fireworks and lasers.

Car boot sales and other fundraising events help to subsidise the festival, which is organised by a committee of the Tourism and Trade Association.

Mrs Walker and Mr Eastwood are among five members of the Association's executive committee who plan to step down at the annual meeting on Monday, September 9.