MEN in clogs building the church tower at Stanbrook Abbey, the village blacksmith outside his cottage and the baker making deliveries by horse and cart - these bygone images of Callow End were all captured on film.

They can be seen next week in an exhibition of old photographs collected by Peter and Marjorie Harris, of Bow Hill, Callow End.

They first put their collection on show in the village hall two years ago, when it aroused tremendous interest among local people, including many who had moved away from the area.

"We were packed out, so that you couldn't get through the door on the Saturday afternoon," said Mrs Harris.

The exhibition, again at the village hall, will take viewers on a walk through Powick and Callow End, starting from Bennett's Farm at Lower Wick and heading through Powick to Colletts Green, Bransford and Bastonford as far as The Swan at Newland, near Malvern.

There will be a brief look at Madresfield on the way back via Jennet Tree Lane to Stanbrook Abbey and then through Callow End to Old Hills and out towards Clevelode and Guarlford.

"Most of the photographs are of Powick and Callow End, with lots of Stanbrook Abbey, cottages on the Old Hills and St Clouds before it was a nursing home," said Mrs Harris.

"We have school photographs, youth club outings and a few new ones, including some of the WI pantomimes in Callow End."

The exhibition is on Saturday and Sunday, September 7 and 8, from 10am to 5pm. Admission is £1 and there will be refreshments and a raffle. Proceeds will go to the Village Hall Fund.