AN appeal has gone out for dog-lovers willing to take in a pregnant pooch - and help create a new generation of guide dogs.

The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association is seeking homes for its brood-bitches in the Kidderminster area.

Volunteers will care for the pregnant dogs and witness the birth of their puppies, which will stay with them for about six weeks before going to the association for training.

The charity will pay all food and any vet bills for the dogs, and will ensure a member of its specialist team is on hand to oversee the birth of the litter.

Neil Ewart, at Guide Dogs' Breeding Centre, said: "Our volunteer brood-bitch holders have the reward of knowing they are playing a major part in rearing the next generation of guide dogs, as well as having the companionship of the dog and its puppies.

"Volunteers don't have to be experienced in dog breeding and Guide Dogs' staff will provide plenty of help to first-timers."

Mr Ewart can be contacted on 01926 651226.