POLICE are investigating two burglaries in which men were found by staff in kitchens.

An unshaven white man in his mid to late 20s, about 5ft 10ins with shaved dark hair, was found in the kitchen at The Dog pub in Harvington at about 2.45pm on Tuesday.

He left after asking for directions but was back in the kitchen again 10 minutes later, again asking for directions.

Nothing was stolen but the Volvo car he drove away in - with a blonde woman passenger - had been stolen from Alcester.

At about 3.15pm a man walked into the kitchen at offices at the Stourport Manor Hotel in Hartlebury Road and asked staff for a drink of water.

He was later found to have stolen a laptop computer and purse.

He is described as white, late 20s to early 30s, about 6ft and muscular with cropped brown hair and a navy blue top.