ADRIAN Noble's latest production now showing at the RST is a true testament to his genius as a director.

Pericles may not be a play that many people are familiar with, but this version crackles with action, wit and spectacle, leaving the audience thinking at the interval that the second half can't be as good, and it isn't - it's better!

From the actor-invaded foyer at the start, this play bursts into life with music, dance and the sheer talent of the excellent company.

Mention must be made too of the expert job done by the lighting crew, giving such mood and depth to the cleverly constructed set, and carefully avoiding shadows from the myriad of lanterns hanging like huge jewels over the whole stage - never intruding, always enhancing the on-set action.

The central platform of the set had a globe like feel to it giving the cast, especially Pericles, the perfect position of power or pathos, also subtly keeping the musicians, who did a superb job with impeccable timing, partly hidden.

This play has it all - richly set and costumed, smooth as silk in operation and spectacular in fight, dance and special effects.

If you do not see another play this year - do not miss Pericles!

Review by Martin Smith