By Melina Cannon

A REAL feast for eyes and ears is promised at Ragley Hall next week when the Last Night of the Jubilee Proms takes place at Ragley Hall.

Performing Arts Symphony Orchestra will be playing a selection of music associated with the Queen, accompanied by soprano Louise Cannon.

Wood's Sea Songs signals the beginning of the traditional proms element of the evening, which ends with a firework finale to Land of Hope and Glory.

A Performing Arts spokesman said: "Although some of our audience come laden with jumpers and rugs to combat the coolness of a late summer evening, a large percentage really excel themselves, modelling Union Jack waistcoats, red, white and blue bow ties and glorious ball gowns.

"To witness an outdoor classical concert is to witness a colourful, sparkling event and that's even before the fireworks begin!

"Our audiences are also well-practised at making the most of the evening and many will come with wheelbarrows bursting with food and wine, juggling picnic chairs on each arm."

The concert takes place from 7.30pm on Friday, August 30, and gates open at 5pm.

Tickets cost £21 (adults) and £15 (children) on the day or £18 (adults) and £12 (children) in advance.

For more details or to buy tickets, call the ticket hotline on 01625 560000, Ragley Hall on 01789 762090 or visit