I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with John Hinton (You Say, August 5). It is about time we had some answers from Worcester City Council regarding the ownership of Pitchcroft.

While we are on the subject of citizens' ownership, may I once again inquire of the whereabouts of the portrait of Queen Elizabeth 1st painted on a oak panel that adorned the Queen Elizabeth House in the Trinity?

This building was about to be destroyed in 1891 to make way for road widening, but the citizens of the day found the money to acquire the property and move it 30 yards to the other side of the road.

The work was carried out by a Worcester firm Bromage and Evans.

The portrait mentioned was missing for 30 years, but was found and replaced in 1908, only to disappear again. Someone at the Guildhall must know where it is.

D BRADLEY, Worcester.