DEAR EDITOR - For decades the park home world has suffered from intolerably high levels of misrepresentation, extortion and intimidation.

The two hundred and fifty thousand residents have been treated like second-class citizens. Mountains of evidence have been ignored by national governments and local councils. Reform is always on the way but never comes. Both national and local residents' associations have been powerless. The 1983 Mobile Homes Act has made little positive difference. Rogue park owners' flourish unchecked.

In recent years resistance to this unjust system has been growing. In April the Park Home Residents' Action Alliance was established. The aim was to "form one solid body to provide the strength and powerful voice necessary to lead a vigorous and active campaign to obtain a fair deal for all park home residents".

Developments this autumn could be vital to pressing our case on the government.

This is a grassroots movement dependent on people power. Residents need one another. Another meeting is being planned. If you are a park home resident in difficulties living in the Bromsgrove or Droitwich areas, you can contact PHRAA for information and a membership form.

The contact telephone numbers are (01902) 373462 , (01902) 374987 and (01952) 432347.

Margaret Brown,

meetings secretary - email to