DEAR EDITOR - A letter was printed on August 17 by John Horwood, the proprietor of Kennedy's and chairman of Rubery Business Association regarding the problem of rats in Rubery.

I would like to correct one or two errors.

His letter criticised Councillor Peter McDonald for exaggerating the rat problem in Rubery and supported the council officials.

I would like to set the record straight. It was about a month ago that I was with Cllr McDonald when he was approached on two separate occasions. First by a lady resident of Leasow Road and second by a lady resident of Callowbrook Lane, both complaining of rats near the Callowbrook.

The area concerned was the footpath leading from Callow Bridge, where it crosses the brook. Both incidents happened during early evening at the end of the shopping day.

What so upset the first lady was the fact that a dead rat was lying on middle of the path! They had both experienced rats running across the pathway on the weeks leading up to this incident. By the way, this is a regular occurrence - both my wife and I have seen them (and complained).

I have been aware of this problem for some years and know that Cllr McDonald regularly had to get the officials to deal with the problem. One reason he was so annoyed is that he receives the complaints face to face, first hand, but the officials don't! Therefore, any delay reflects on him. Also he uses the same pathway to the shops (some of us still walk!)

I advise Mr Horwood to patrol this area and ask his customers who use the path.

Its' no surprise that rats will breed in this area as it is close to water and has a regular supply of discarded take-away food.

To my mind this is not a big issue - it can be controlled, but what I do object to is someone making a political point out of a problem which repulses all of us.

I can assure readers that the ladies from Rubery were not making a political point!

Alan Cooper,

secretary, Rubery Labour Party.,

Heron Way,
