AN INDIAN restaurant in Malvern is doing its bit to help children who have been abused.

Paprika, in Malvern Link, is holding monthly dinners when half the takings go towards the Malvern branch of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC).

The first evening, in July, raised £500 and it is planned to hold one on the last Tuesday of every month.

"Just for that evening, diners can chose a special five-course meal that we have set up especially, or they can chose the usual menu items," said Sabina Alam, whose husband, Kashem, is the restaurant's owner.

She said the restaurant, which has been open a year, was keen to get involved with the local community.

"We started the charity evening to do more for the community," she said.

"So we got together with the NSPCC in Malvern, and we're hoping for continued success. We've already got bookings for the next one."

A cheque for £500 was recently presented to Malvern NSPCC chairwoman, Karen Seymour.

The next charity evening is due to take place on Tuesday, August 27. Details from 01684 569820.

n Pictured (right) is Paprika owner Kashem Alam, family and staff with Karen Seymour of Malvern RSPCA (left).