STANLEY D Parr (You Say, August 6) has every reason to be concerned that preparations are being made to hand our monetary system over to Frankfurt European Central Bank contro.

Our Government owns 50 per cent of the shares of the Bank of "England" but has no voting rights in any decision made by the bank. The other shareholders, who may not even be British, are never revealed, but hold the voting right.

The bank is the key regulator of the Commercial and High Street banks in Britain that are creating most of our money as an interest-bearing debt simply with computers tapping numbers on to paper for loans.

Questions are not permitted in the House of Commons concerning the Bank of "England."

This is a disgraceful state of affairs in a democracy. When are we going to appoint genuine political leaders who will rescue our indigenous British people from exploitation by the unelected international gnomes and their lackies, controlling our monetary system?

E W CARR, Malvern.