THERE appears to be anti-Christian bias in Richard Babington's Counterpoints.

Why is it still acceptable to be biased, ignorant and prejudiced about Christianity?

Mr Babington made a series of grossly inaccurate statements regarding what the Bible says about being left-handed (Evening News, August 8).

Nowhere in the Bible does it ever say "evil spirits are said to lurk over the left shoulder", nor does it contain any "blatant anti left-handed propaganda".

In fact, the only two times the Bible actually describes people as being left-handed they are quite clearly blessed by God (Judges 3:15 and Judges 20:16).

Jesus did ascend to the "right hand of the Father" but no Christian believes that the Father has a physical right hand. As 90 per cent of people are right-handed this is obviously a reference to Jesus returning to His position of ultimate power. Even left-handed Christians can understand that!

