A MEMORIAL charity set up following the death of a young Bromsgrove worker has upped its bid to provide the gift of sight to deprived Romanian residents by hitting the world wide web.

The Sarah Hampton Sunshine Appeal now has a website and organisers are seeking global support.

Hamptons Optical Ltd, in Crown Close, Bromsgrove, launched the appeal when one of the company's directors, Sarah Hampton aged 20, died in a car crash in 2000.

Her relatives and friends were determined her death would not be in vain and they now raise funds in her memory to help improve eye care in eastern Europe.

They've collected £22,000, made three mercy missions to Romania and the trust is now focused on opening a fully equipped opticians on Oradea - with help from Christian charity Caminal Felix.

The charity already has a base at an orphanage and also runs mobile clinics.

Financial support comes from customers - many who knew Sarah during the six years she worked at Hamtpons, optical equipment manufacturers and trust supporters.

The new jazzy website boasts pages about Sarah, the origins of the appeal, a photo gallery, information about projects and details about donating cash.

Sarah's father, Michael Hampton, and her 18-year-old sister, Rebecca, are charity trustees along with accountant Alan Phillips.

Mr Hampton said: "The appeal is going from strength to strength and I hope the website will drum up support from far and wide.

"We initially aimed to tackle worldwide eye care problems but after visiting Romania we decided to concentrate our efforts on just one country."

For details log onto www.sunshineappeal.org.uk or call 01527 577350 or e-mail michael@sunshineappeal.org.uk