POLICE are hunting three people who were spotted trying to steal a car from a Droitwich garage.

The trio was seen between 8am and 9am, yesterday, on the forecourt of Copcut Garage, on Worcester Road.

They had also broken into the garage offices and a nearby cottage, although nothing was thought to have been stolen.

The first man was white, in his early 20s, and described as being 5ft 10ins tall, of slim build, clean-shaven, and with dark eyes.

He was wearing a red hooded top and grey commando trousers with pockets down the legs.

The second man was white, 5ft 4ins, slim, aged 17 or 18, with short black hair and bushy eyebrows. He wore a grey V-neck jumper and black jeans.

The third was white, 5ft 6ins, slim, about 20, and clean shaven with bushy eyebrows. He wore grey combat trousers and a grey hooded top.

PC Adrian Maiden asked anyone with information about the incident to contact police.

"I'm also keen to hear from anyone who saw a vehicle acting suspiciously in the area of Pulley Lane at around the time of the incident," he said.

Anyone with information can contact PC Maiden or PC Howard Latham on 01905 723888, quoting c/615354.