REGARDING transfer of ownership of the island at Barnards Green (Malvern Gazette, June 14), could I prompt the community who live in and around the Green to write to the Conservators at Manor House, Grange Road, to urge them not to relinquish ownership.

The island is currently a stumbling block to plans to develop the QinetiQ site and other green areas locally. A traffic impact survey has suggested development will double the peak time traffic flows, putting our community and schoolchildren at risk.

Could I ask how many of the Conservators wear dual hats being members of one of the local councils? I would be delighted to hear that when voting on matters pertaining to their remit as Conser-vators they act as if they are Conservators and not as councillors.

I would hope they would declare an interest if in fact their position is pro-development in furtherance of an objective the may have as a councillor and abstain from any vote and debate.

We as a community have the right to enjoy our surroundings without outside agencies coming in to spoil the soul and lungs of our environment.

Residents please speak up now or the nature of the Green will change forever.

R PARSONS, Geraldine Road, Malvern.