YOUNGSTERS at a Worcester school have had a taste of original Antipodean life during the school's art week.

The pupils from Thornton House School, in Wyld's Lane, had a go on the didgeridoo, the instrument that was made famous in the UK by television star Rolf Harris.

"They have been having a great time during the arts week," said headteacher Hugh Thomas.

"They were brilliant with the didgeridoos. Some of them got a great tone. It will be a great stress-buster for them."

They were also visited by pupils of RNIB New College, which is based on Whittington Road, who entertained the youngsters with music.

n Tuning up - left to right, Thornton House pupils Craig Millar, Ashley Lines, Nicola Howell and Malcolm Officer play the digderidoo and (inset) Rachel Nafzoer from RNIB on the cello. Pictures by Richard Eaton.

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