MOVES are under way to identify a site for a residential home for the elderly in Bidford after a report uncovered a shortage of care homes in south Warwickshire.

Two sites in the village, which have not been disclosed, are under discussion by Warwickshire County Council after its social services department issued a report to the cabinet detailing a need for more facilities in the south of the county to look after elderly people.

John Bull, head of adult services, said the council had entered into a partnership agreement with a private company to design, build and run homes.

He added: "The home will be for people unable to remain in their own homes because of their physical frailty.

"We have identified three sites in the county for homes. One in Bidford, one in Alcester, and one in Kineton. They will be the subject of a select tender going out to a number of organisations who will come back to us to see what they can do with the land available."

He added that there would be consultation with parish councils and Stratford District Council before any kind of proposal was put forward.

Bidford county councillor Peter Barnes, said: "The original idea was to put it next to the fire station, but we are now looking at alternative sites.

"We are looking for somewhere to provide health care facilities for older people in Bidford and the surrounding areas."