n SO now we know in whose brilliant mind the great and wonderful Federal State of Europe - which Mr Margrett is always exhorting us to join - originated. None other than Adolf Hitler.

It's disturbing to learn that Europhiles have never informed us the Nazis were planning to create a European Economic Community, which has alarming parallels with the EU.

The original EEC can be traced back to a plan promoted by the Nazis between 1940 and 1943.

It appears that, in the British Library, there rests a copy of a book published in Berlin in 1942.

The Third Reich hoped to standardise the economies of Europe, Hitler's dream that he called the New European Order.

This would be achieved by German economic power. Many of the policies discussed would not look out of place in Brussels policy papers of today.

Europe was to be an impregnable fortress safe from all threat of blockade. America could never be a partner.

Does this not show the hypocrisy of arch-Europeans such as Tony Blair?



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