A SPIRITUALIST is giving down-to-earth help to two causes in need of salvation.

Olwyn Griffiths, a clairsentience - someone who can sense "clear auras" - is donating cash to North-West Worcestershire branch of Victim Support and its witness service this month and next.

Ms Griffiths, of Habberley Street, Kidderminster, who has worked as a spiritualist for 20 years, volunteers for both causes.

Victim support workers provide emotional help and practical advice to people who have suffered serious crimes "that really affect people".

And as a volunteer for the witness service, a branch of Victim Support, Ms Griffiths, 51, explains the justice system to witnesses - prosecution, defence and police.

"We need to support it with £8,000 per annum," she said.

"I've not been involved in fund-raising before but for the whole of July, whatever readings or consultations I do, at the end of the month I will give 10 per cent of my earnings to victim support.

"And for the whole of August I will give the same to the witness service."