Yet again, the enjoyment of the majority of towns people & visitors has been spoilt by the minority element of mindless morons within our society.

I refer of course, to the deliberate vandalism of the beautiful flower troughs along Workman Bridge.

I have to ask myself what sort of lowlife would stoop so low as to carry out this action & what possible enjoyment or satisfaction they can get from it.

Are they so thick as to fail to realise, that along with the troughs & flowers they so moronically threw into the river, goes a large slice of theirs (or their parents) council tax, not to mention the hard work of the council to make our town a more appealing & pleasurable place to visitors which benefits us all.

Maybe they were the same creatures who repeatedly damage the nearby children's play area, in particular the small "rocker" rides, meant for the under fives, one of which I notice has been removed permanently & a cemented square put where it once stood.

Why can't we have another CCTV camera at this end of the river? Who knows, we might even stand a chance of catching those responsible.

MRS Helen Donovan, St Margarets Road, Evesham.