mittee met on Monday evening under the first-time chairmanship of the new chairman David Clarke-Sykes of Hughes Close. Thanking members for their attendance (apologies had been received from the pre-school representatives and from Mr Reg Hudson) he asked for their continued loyalty and commitment in dealing with the on-going task of maintaining and improving on the building and its environs.

The treasurers report confirmed the low state of the funds, depleted over the past few years as major repairs and renovations had to be undertaken. The demand from the Water Authority, made after a long period which the meter was not read and before the new gentlemen's toilet with its improved flushing system was installed, presents the committee with a serious problem as does the recent bill incurred in the carrying out of further instructions concerning the emergency lighting. This latter prompted an angry reaction from the committee who feel that, every year, before granting the necessary licence without which the hall could not operate, the authority imposes yet more requirements. These are always most meticulously dealt with. Why, then, are there more every year? Why is it that, despite all efforts to comply with all the regulations, there is always still more to be done. Consideration of these problems led the chairman to wonder whether charges will have to be raised again but it was felt that, instead, the committee will organise a big fund-raising event and invite the village to give it generous support in order to boost funds.

The problem of the skips which are parked periodically on the forecourt of the hall and were the subject of an animated discussion at the recent parish council meeting was considered and coun Keith Seager and caretaker Derek Newsham were warmly commended for their efforts to deal with the excess of rubbish left by an inconsiderate public.

It was felt that the time has come for a tidy-up of the small garden, forecourt and side of the hall, and questions were asked as to how the area behind the building could be improved and thus give a more inviting outlook to people walking up to the playing field. This lead to the question of the youths who are again causing nuisance (and damage) by playing football on the hall forecourt and the village green and whose attitude can be most unpleasant, but no solution as to how their public conscience might be stirred could be suggested. An item which merits further attention is the proposal that a heating-aid system should be installed in the hall and it was agreed that this should be investigated and details presented to the committee at the earliest opportunity.

The meeting closed at 9pm and the next one arranged for Monday, August 12.

Reminder: St James' Church Summer Fete this Saturday, 2pm to 4pm, in the village hall.