TWENTY eight members met for their regular meeting in the village hall.

The president, Mrs Hazel Furneaux, welcomed members and gave apologies for a number who were on holiday. In the absence of the secretary, Anne Wilmot, the president read the minutes of the last meeting held on Jubilee Day, and also commented upon the success of the two walks held during June. Sheila Truslove reported on the Oxfordshire WI concert held in the grounds of Broughton Castle the previous Saturday - an excellent evening which ended with fireworks.

After a few notices and coffee, the speaker for the meeting, Mrs P Slater, was introduced. She was a nurse before becoming interested in the medicinal content of herbs, which led to her becoming an aromatherapist. She is a keen and knowledgeable gardener. Mrs Slater's topic was 'herbs, history, hearsay and horticulture'.

She had a basket of herbs about which she spoke, ranging from chocolate mint to bronze fennel to lemon verbena. Mrs Slater gave information and suggestions about uses of the herbs, both culinary and therapeutic, linking these with beliefs from time past. The speaker was thanked for her talk by Mrs Jean Plant.

The next meeting of the WI is on Tuesday, August 6 at 10am in the village hall. There will be a bring and buy stall and a raffle. It is a members meeting, organised and run by different members. All members and anyone interested in joining will be most welcome.