DEFFORD and BESFORD PARISH COUNCIL: Report of meeting held on June 25: Following the imposition of the new Code of Conduct by default on June 5, Stuart Jefferies tendered his resignation as an act of protest. The chairman felt this was unfortunate but fully understood the situation and thanked Stuart for his contribution especially for all the work entailed with regard to the Millennium Green. This left a vacancy on the planning committee and Richard Neath was elected to fill this post. Now that Besford population had expanded substantially it was thought to be opportune to enquire if the number of Besford councillors could be increased from two to three.

Unfortunately, the Millennium Green had suffered its first act of vandalism with graffiti scratched onto the large rock. Also some people appear to be walking across the flowerbeds.

The RAF memorial was planned to be unveiled on September 10 with Sir Bernard Lovell performing the ceremony. This would coincide with the annual reunion which would be held in the village hall where displays would be on show plus refreshments.

Sadly, it was decided that the free skip scheme which had been operated by Wychavon District Council for over 10 years would be discontinued. Although this was a popular facility it was being abused by a number of people using it to dispose of trade waste. It was not possible to monitor the skips and although it was a split decision the parish council felt that it could not give the guarantees Wychavon demanded and it was a classic case of the few spoiling it for the majority. It was further decided to investigate the provision of a height barrier to the village hall car park in order to prevent fly tipping by lorries which was also becoming a problem. The recycling banks were being well used but this facility would also be in jeopardy if rubbish continued to be a problem. Users were urged to take only the specific catered for to the centre.

As many will have noticed raised kerbs have been installed at Besford at the two bus stops at St Peters Lane and Besford Court. Those at Defford were stopped at the eleventh hour due to lack of consultation and proposals not being acceptable.

Many will also have noticed the huge amount of yellow paint in St Peters Lane heralding the long awaited road repairs. It remains to be seen if the 25 years wait has been worth it!

All those interested are reminded that the Local Plan is now 'on deposit' and there are six weeks only for comments to be made directly to Wychavon.