ALCESTER groups have applied for a total of more than £30,000 of district council cash.

Welford Parish Council has applied for £4,000 towards a £15,090 project to replace and refurbish children's play equipment near Welford Primary School.

Bidford Community Group needs £21,911 for a play area at Marleigh Road and has applied to the district for £9,000 toward the scheme.

Several Alcester organisations have applied for money, including the Greig Centre, which wants £450 towards a summer play scheme for youngsters.

The rest of the £8,350 cost will be met by the town council, Community Education and scheme resources.

The Alcester Jubilee Celebrations committee has requested £750 to cover materials and services provided by itself, town councillors and volunteers.

The Alcester in Bloom committee wants £7,090 for a one-off project to replace equipment like planters and hanging baskets which are beyond repair.

In Haselor, the Sports Association has asked for £7,400 towards an ambitious £74,000 project to encourage more participants in tournaments and competitions.

The grant would go towards a new toilet block on the multi-sports pitch - a facility shared by Haselor School and the community, represented by the Sports Association.

Fund-raising by residents and school parents has so far raised £24,000 with a hall and covered play area also planned.