A WORCESTER support group is urging parents of children with a hyperactivity disorder to attend a meeting that will highlight the care on offer throughout the county.

Health professionals and representatives from the county behavioural support services were due to meet at Perdiswell Young People's Leisure Club in Droitwich Road tonight.

They will discuss options available for children who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD.

Caroline Causier, secretary of the Worcester group, said a lot of help was available - but not everybody knew about it.

Education at home was also available in some cases, added Mrs Causier.

"This is for all those who are concerned about their children's behaviour," she said. "More and more children with ADHD are educated in mainstream schools and this evening is designed to give them an overview on what can be done for their children.

"The team is the same one that visits schools and says what can be done educationally.

"They are also able to prepare individual education plans."

The meeting will offer help and advice to parents who are struggling with their children's educational needs or behaviour.

Kate Bunt, of Worcester Pupil Referral Unit and Ann Perkins, of Kidderminster Pupil Referral Unit, will be guest speakers.

The Worcester Group was founded in 1997 by Jackie Rouse, whose had struggled for years with a son who was out of control.

But she knew Dominic, who was six at the time, was not just naughty and eventually he was diagnosed as having ADHD.

" We have come along way since then" said Mrs Causier. "We now have 30 members. But we know we can help a lot more people."

Another meeting is planned in September when a team from the Aphasic charity, which specialises in speech and language, will be guest speakers.

"Children with ADHD often have a multitude of other problems including aphasia, dyslexia, Asperger's Syndrome and epilepsy. We try and have regular speakers to cover all aspects of the disorder," added Mrs Causier, who is planning a major conference for the city next March.

Anyone who wants to attend the meeting or needs help can ring the ADHD helpline on 01905 359707.