SPORTS EDITOR'S MAILBAG: FOUR weeks into the start of the season and the pre-season feeling at Aggborough that Harriers would have a good season is all but out of the window if the performance at Rochdale was anything to go by.

Granted, Rochdale are three points clear at the top of the league but our performance was shocking.

Having been part of the 185 travelling contingent, I can't see how Jan (Molby) said we played well.

Toothless up front, second best in midfield and an inability - once again - to defend set-pieces was our downfall.

Jan has definitely strengthened the squad but other teams have strengthened considerably more or we haven't learnt any lessons from last year.

Three away defeats and the only team in the division not to get a point away from home this season does not bode well.

We are good at home but I can't see where we will win a game away from home.

Barnet's demise last year was due to shocking away form.

While not wishing to make a direct comparison with them, we appear a similar team, one who plays good football but gets nowhere, but Barnet paid the price for this last season.

Harriers play too much backwards and sidewards football - all very nice but it gets us nowhere.

We have not scored a goal from open play in the Football League this season, excluding the Worthington Cup.

I am a massive Molby fan but his team selection and tactics are puzzling away from home.

4-5-1, in my opinion, at both Hull and Darlington, is negative and on both occasions we paid the price, perhaps harshly at Hull.

Are we afraid of teams? At Rochdale we had £150,000 of attacking talent sitting on the bench.

Surely a club of our make-up can't afford for this to happen?

The organisation of away days appears poor as well - the team coach leaves too late.

Even allowing for M6 crashes, surely we should look to be at the ground well in advance of 1pm.

Playing in socks belonging to Rochdale is not ideal either. Isn't the function of the kitman to look after and manage the kit?

I am more than happy to be proved wrong/eat humble pie etc, but I see nothing apart from a lower to mid-table finish.

Forget all talk of the play-offs, let's consolidate again and get used to Division Three football.

We clearly have a lot of work to do in this area yet but three home points against Plymouth would go some way to restoring optimism.

Up the Harriers!


Hurcott Road
