He's Got To Go by Sheila O'Flanagan. Published in paperback by Headline, £10.99.

This Irish writer doesn't quite match up to the standard of Marian Keyes, but this light-hearted romp about an angst-ridden wife will make a fair holiday read.

It centres on Nessa, who suspects her husband Adam, who has been with her for 10 years, is being unfaithful - a suspicion that goes on for some time. In the meantime, she becomes pregnant, tells some of her friends she suspects Adam is having an affair and goes through the usual trials and tribulations of what she should do about it.

The problem is that she has an eight-year-old daughter to think about and a part-time job which barely pays the milk bill.

So can she really ignore what Adam seems to be up to and hang on to the happiness they have enjoyed for the past 10 years? Can they wipe the slate clean and start again?

Or, as her sisters - themselves living proof that no relationship is without its flaws - appear to believe, has he really got to go?

This is a well-worn subject but it is done well and is worth packing in your suitcase nevertheless.

Rachel Williams