CLIFFORD Lord (You Say, May 17) appears to view the advent of Independent councillors as the reason for the failings of the Labour group.

The battle over park-and-ride - now costing £250,000 per year - would have been won, had it not been for the casting vote of Labour councillor Margaret Wills. There was massive opposition to this scheme.

Moving on to his claims regarding the outcome of the Cripplegate Park, Ronkswood fields issues, he could have also mentioned Whittington Road.

If anyone should know the truth about these matters it might be Roger Berry, whose seat on the council was adjusted because of these very issues.

It was people power with public demonstrations that stopped these proposed planning blights. Yes, Mr Lord, without this public outcry, your group would have built on Cripplegate, Ronkswood fields and on the fields at Whittington Road.

I witnessed democracy at many council meetings while under Labour control for 20-odd years. Whip, what whip?

