Victor Meldrew would say "I don't believe it"! Have we lost all our common sense?

Fit young men are "swarming" through the channel tunnel on a daily basis, (see any newspaper or TV), and instead of stopping them, we build for them what will undoubtedly be "very comfortable" accommodation! Where? In remote, settled, rural areas, where they will later be joined by girlfriends, wives, Mothers, Aunts and Uncles, et al!

Yes, I live in Pershore, which is quite near Throckmorton, but if you read this in Worcester, Droitwich, Malvern or even Kidderminster, it will still affect you directly! Why? Because siting them in a "far out" area means the DHSS will give, yes give, them cars to travel to shops, etc. As they have done in Kent, and other places.

I understand in Australia they site these "camps" way out in the desert, without cars, and well away from anywhere, but surrounded by poisonous, desert snakes. So they escape at their peril, literally! But we have no desert, so Throckmorton will do!

If the channel tunnel was closed, tonight, until the French sorted out the Sangatte problem, it might concentrate a few minds on the problem. The night freight trains are already down from 17 to 2, so mainly it would be passenger traffic to be affected. Sorry, folks!

Remember in school? If one person misbehaved, we all had detention! It's called "the innocent suffering for the guilty", and the problem is usually solved, like a miracle, very quickly indeed.

As I said, we have lost our common sense! Pity,this pantomime might all end in problems and tears!

Stanley D. Parr, Paddock Close, Pershore.