SO "Two Jags" Prescott wishes to claim fame over a "proposal" to introduce Regional Assemblies. Who does he think he is kidding? They already exist.

Regional Assemblies held their first annual meeting in July, 1999. The EU Regional Development Act was passed in 1998 heralding the end of our shires, districts and county councils.

In fact, the "regions" had already been determined and communicated in 1994 via a series of Regional Brochures to which Geoffrey Martin (Britain's EU Representative) contributed the foreword via his office at Storey's Gate in Westminster.

Maps of these islands, showing the new regions, have existed in the EU offices since 1997. The word "England" does not appear on them. These assemblies already have a Brussels office.

There are leaders, mayors and district councillors already on the payroll and, in some instances receiving salary and expenses payments in greater sums than the remuneration they receive for carrying out domestic responsibilities for which they were elected, locally.

Their involvement with the Regional Assemblies is never revealed in their Local Election manifestos.

To help legitimise all of this, not only has John Prescott been enlisted so as to make it innocently appear "a thing of the future", but also Church of England Bishops have been asked to chair "Regional Constitutional Conventions" with 100 chosen people from each region.

These people will devise the charade of a petition requesting the Government to bring in Regional Assemblies!

This sinister deception is surpassed only by the UK media, led by the BBC, in its failure neither to widely report these facts in recent years, nor even publish the map of these proposed subsidiaries of a Federal Europe. God help us - even if the Bishops are unlikely to.


Ramsey, Cambs.