OVERBURY CE First School has been given top marks in a glowing report from Ofsted inspectors.

The village school, which has 51 pupils aged from four to 10 in three classes, won praise for its teaching, management and caring environment, and has no key issues to address, a rare achievement for any school.

The reports states: "Excellent relationships between adults and pupils form the basis of good teaching in this school. Because teachers trust pupils to work hard and be self-disciplined, hey do their best, enjoy their work and make good progress."

The inspection team found that pupils' attainment in English, mathematics and science is above average by Year 5; the headteacher leads the school very well; small classes and good teaching mean that pupils make good progress throughout the school, and the school is a secure and happy community where very good provision is made for pupils' welfare and personal development.

Although, the inspectors said, some children entered the school with attainment lower than the county average, by Year 2 their attainment was above average in English and maths and by Year 5 is was also above average in science. "Pupils learn well because of the consistently good teaching in all classes," the report says.

The report also describes the children's attitudes to the school and behaviour both inside and outside the classrooms as "very good" and praises the range of extra curricular activities and the school's relationship with the local community.

Headteacher Val Wilkinson said: "We're delighted with the report. It's a real vote of confidence in the school and a tribute to all the -hard work put in every day by the staff and the children."

Paul Worrall, chairman of governors, added: "The report recognises that the size of the school is one of its great strengths, there is a very inclusive atmosphere, the staff know all the children and everyone helps everybody else.

"It's almost unheard of for an inspection to reveal no key issues for a school to address. But we are not complacent. We are always working to improve further, and we are looking forward to welcoming more children to share in Overbury's success in the future."