MOST of the people who live in Bewdley are clear thinking, caring and responsible citizens. So why do we let 27 of them make up our minds for us?

These 27 attended the Bewdley Town Council meeting to demand their rights to a parish poll on a £223,000 traffic calming scheme. They think their demands override the rights of everyone else.

The indisputable fact is that speed kills. The statistics stand for themselves.

In incidents involving vehicles travelling at 20 mph - only one out of 20 pedestrians hit are killed. Whereas, in incidents involving vehicles travelling at 40mph the opposite is the case - only one out of 20 pedestrians survive.

I know I drive slower and more carefully along traffic-calmed roads than I do on other roads. If the planned measures save only one life I personally think that's money well spent. I couldn't equate even £223,000 with the price of one life?

So if you are not a parent, or a grandparent, and you never walk along pavements or cross roads, then vote against the traffic-calming measures with "the 27" because it will not affect you. None of your family will be killed or injured and you can drive at speeds which put others at danger.

However, if you think as I do, stand up for your rights. Protect yourself and your family by supporting the town and county council and voting for the proposed traffic-calming.


Coniston Way, Bewdley