PERSHORE College Football Academy is just a few weeks off completion of its first year and what a year it's been!

Four Academy students - Mike Weaver, Tom Baylis, Neil Evans and Derek Craddock - are off to America soon to take part in coaching programmes in Summer Soccer Schools following successful interviews for a place on the scheme.

They will remain in America for ten weeks and hope to get a chance to squeeze in some travelling alongside their coaching duties.

Weaver and Baylis have also been successful in their bid to secure a Nike contract. For six weeks they will coach football at the weekends in London as part of a new Nike initiative.

The game is new, involving a team of three players per side, and is staged particularly for local schools. The final will be held at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.

The Academy scored a hat-trick in terms of success when college students took part in a coaching day at The University of Warwick.

They were put through their paces by top coaches, referees and club managers, including the FA's technical director, Academy directors from Aston Villa and Birmingham City, a Premiership referee and the manager of Queens Park Rangers.

These ongoing successes have attracted more applicants to the course for next year and the College will run a two-year full-time Academy at both its campuses in Pershore and Hereford when more than 50 students will be signing on to take an Edexcel Sports Studies (Football) qualification.

There are plans to offer the same opportunities in tennis and rugby. For further information contact John Rothery on 01386 551199.