A CONCERNED community group is calling on the district council to protect the Lickey Hills from the ever-expanding problem of mobile phone masts.

The Lickey Hills Society is urging Bromsgrove District Council to question the need for a proposed application it has received from the Orange mobile phone company to extend an existing telecommunications tower in Rednal.

A lattice tower, already used by another operator, could be enlarged by five metres. Three new aerials, three antenna dishes and a large ground cabinet are among the plans for the site at Clarks Motor Services, in Lickey Road.

The society says the existing mast "stands out like a sore thumb".

Chairman Baden Carlson said four years ago, when the mast was erected, the society approached the company directly because Bromsgrove District Council has limited powers in relation to the erection of communication masts.

"We did our best to persuade the mobile phone company's representatives to have the mast painted a khaki colour so that it would partly blend in with its surrounding trees. Our attempts were unsuccessful," said Mr Carlson.

The society is now calling on the authority to resist further applications in areas such as the Lickey Hills and it is urging councillors to develop a policy on masts to protect these areas from this type of development.

Mr Carlson added: "Before giving any consent we believe the council should seek from the company that there is an established need for the development by providing veritable data on their network plans.

"If this is forthcoming then consideration should be given to placing the mast in a less damaging position.

"This could be achieved by combining the mast with others in the area that are less obvious."