SPORTS stars of the future could soon be sprinting out of a Rubery school which is on the brink of an exciting development.

Colmers Farm High School wants to become a specialist sports college but it must raise £50,000 in sponsorship before it can make an official application.

If the Bristol Road South school can secure the funds, education chiefs will stump up a further £100,000.

Headteacher Mike Gardner said the money would be spent on building a fitness suite at the site - which would be used by students and the local community.

It would include a variety of gym equipment and computers, which could be used for sports science, and the school already has access to a brand new astro turf area at Great Park and its existing sports hall.

"We looked at various departments which we feel would be suitable for specialist status, including the arts, science and sports," said Mr Gardner.

"We felt sports was the most focused department and college status would not only benefit our pupils but also the local community."

Budding sports stars at Colmers already have top support from the school's head of sport, Darryl Bunn.

Mr Bunn is the former coach for heptathalon Olympic gold medallist, Denise Lewis, and will be at the Commonwealth Games, in Manchester, this summer, fulfilling his role as coach for the British heptathalon team.

Mr Gardner hopes to make an official application by 2003.

He is currently seeking sponsorship and has already been in talks at MG Rover, in Longbridge.