I HOPE your readers will appreciate that resolve and determination of officers and my administration in Wychavon has produced a just result in revealing Miss Copson's true assets in spite of intense public criticism and indeed, at one point, encouragement from you to drop the matter.

Some recognition of this would be welcome but not expected. It gives me no satisfaction to see us proved right, because it has been very sad how other protesters, in one case or another in Droitwich, have taken advantage of Miss Copson.

Her shop window has been the focus of display of numerous campaigns. I hope these will now come to an end and we can move to a period of constructive comment, for this negative approach has been extremely damaging to Droitwich.

It is very difficult to hold the interests of entrepreneurs who have shown interest in investing in Droitwich when so unjustified a bandwagon can be hitched behind Miss Copson.

Your article did not make clear that on many occasions Miss Copson had protested that her financial circumstances did not allow her to pay. Now the public can judge for themselves if there was any credibility in the position that she took.


Leader of Wychavon District Council, Pershore.

n THAT people in the 21st Century have the attitude of R Partridge astounds me. The term shipping "them" back is barbaric.

I'm certainly glad that R Partridge knows that "they" are fit and healthy, obviously having spent a great deal of time with these desperate people.

Of course, I would prefer R Partridge to be "sent elsewhere", maybe Zimbabwe, or perhaps Iraq?

MARK LAZENBY, Worcester.